Ontoma Interface

main interface class

class ontoma.interface.OnToma[source]

Open Targets ontology mapping wrapper

The output should always be a EFO/OpenTargets ontology URI.


Initialize the class (which will download EFO,OBO and others):

>>> t=OnToma()

We can now lookup “asthma” and get:

>>> t.efo_lookup('asthma')

Notice we always tend to return a full IRI

Search by synonyms coming from the OBO file is also supported

>>> t.efo_lookup('Asthma unspecified')

Reverse lookups uses the get_efo_label() method

>>> t.get_efo_label('EFO_0000270')
>>> t.get_efo_label('EFO:0000270')
>>> t.get_efo_label('http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0000270')

Similarly, we can now lookup “Phenotypic abnormality” on HP OBO:

>>> t.hp_lookup('Phenotypic abnormality')
>>> t.hp_lookup('Narrow nasal tip')

OMIM code lookup

>>> t.omim_lookup('230650')
>>> t.zooma_lookup('asthma')

Searching the ICD9 code for ‘other dermatoses’ returns EFO’s skin disease:

>>> t.icd9_lookup('696')

There is also a semi-intelligent wrapper, which tries to guess the best matching strategy:

>>> t.find_term('asthma')
>>> t.find_term('615877',code='OMIM')

It returns None if it cannot find an EFO id:

>>> t.find_term('notadisease') is None

Searches the EFO OBO file for a direct match

find_term(query, code=None)[source]

Finds the most likely EFO code for a given string or ontology code.

If the code argument is passed, it will attempt to perform an exact match amongst the mappings available.

If only a string is passed, it will attempt to match it against mappings, but will try using the EBI SPOT APIs if no match is found, until a likely code is identified

TODO suggestions and fuzzy search should be returned. A specific exception should be crafted and handled.

  • query (str) – the disease/phenotype to be matched to an EFO code
  • code – accepts one of “ICD9CM”, “OMIM” TODO expand to more ontologies If a code is passed, it will attempt to find the code in one of our curated mapping datasources. Defaults to None.

A valid OT ontology URI. None if no EFO code was found


Given an EFO short form code, returns the label as taken from the OBO


Searches the HP OBO file for a direct match


Searches the ICD9CM <=> EFO mappings returned from the OXO API

logger = None

Initialize API clients


Searches our own curated OMIM <=> EFO mappings #FIXME assumes the first is the best hit. is this ok?


Searches against the curated OpenTargets mapping we submitted to zooma.

These mappings are usually stored on github. NOTE: this is not a lookup to zooma API

oxo_lookup(other_ontology_id, input_source='ICD9CM')[source]

Searches in the mappings returned from the EBI OXO API.

The function should return an EFO code for any given xref, if one exists.


the EFO code

Return type:



Searches against the EBI Zooma service for an high confidence mapping


Transform a short form ontology code in a full URI. Currently works for EFO, HPO, ORDO and MP.

Parameters:ontology_short_form – An ontology code in the short format, like ‘EFO:0000270’. The function won’t break if a valid URI is passed.
Returns:A full URI. Raises a ValueError if the short form code was not one of the supported ones.


>>> make_uri('EFO:0000270')
>>> make_uri('HP_0000270')
>>> make_uri('http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0000270')
>>> make_uri('TEST_0000270')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Could not build an URI. Short form: TEST_0000270 not recognized